Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love is a lie

But it's the most beautiful lie that you have ever been told. And I am so scared of the truth. I regret saying those three words. I was so blind. But then... So were you. I have never been in love and don't know how I ever could be. Whatever love is. Who knows? I have heard it is different for everyone. Love sucks. Love is pretty. Love hurts. Love grows. Love dies... Love is lost........ Lost in the eyes, the heart, and the soul. Endlessly searching for more and more until there is nothing left. No more. And all that you thought was yours... is gone. It was never yours and you knew that. You knew all along that you were never safe from anyone or anything. And even when you thought you were a locked cage, you were an open book and who couldn't help but take from you...


  1. But it's the most beautiful lie that you have ever been told. #stolen

    So good. First line. Got me.
