Sunday, March 20, 2016


You're sitting in the drivers seat. 
Cigarette between your lips.
I'm breathing through the window.
Aching for you to let me back into your arms once more. 

Why do I do this to myself? 
Why do I keep coming back to this..... this mess of a person barely hanging on to reality. 

Maybe I should give up or move on but something keeps me here... 
something in your eyes keeps my gaze... 
I want to break into your mind. 
Let me see your thoughts... 
let me feel your blackened heart... 
your whisp of a soul... 
come back... 

it doesn't have to be like this... 
not for you... 
I thought I loved you, but 
now I know I do... 

and I am afraid.


  1. "I thought I loved you, but
    now I know I do...

    and I am afraid."

  2. "Why do I keep coming back to this.... This mess of a person barely hanging on to reality."

    I'm glad to have stumbled across your blog.... I feel lucky to have read this. Wow.

  3. Your voice is so clear in your writing sis. You speak the truth with such style and presence! Post more, I need this.
